Friday 12 June 2009

留言版 Comments

歡迎大家利用這留言版,按下面「意見」COMMENTS 來瀏覽別人的意見,你也可以選擇留下你們的感想。欲要與我們以EMAIL聯絡,請附真實姓名及電郵地址,否則我們也無法回饋!可匿名填寫,但務必發揮基督徒愛德及禮貌。
Peace and good things!
You are welcome to give us feedback and comments by hitting the COMMENTS key below. You can choose to do it either anonymously or with real name - but always with Christian charity and courtesy please.
If you are looking for a friar or would like us to make a reply, please leave your real name and email address, or else we can't get back to you.