Friday 12 June 2009

留言版 Comments

歡迎大家利用這留言版,按下面「意見」COMMENTS 來瀏覽別人的意見,你也可以選擇留下你們的感想。欲要與我們以EMAIL聯絡,請附真實姓名及電郵地址,否則我們也無法回饋!可匿名填寫,但務必發揮基督徒愛德及禮貌。
Peace and good things!
You are welcome to give us feedback and comments by hitting the COMMENTS key below. You can choose to do it either anonymously or with real name - but always with Christian charity and courtesy please.
If you are looking for a friar or would like us to make a reply, please leave your real name and email address, or else we can't get back to you.


  1. 冒 昧 的 請 問 ﹐ 彭 神 父 近 況 如 何 呢 ﹖ 上 次 已 留 言 ﹐ 因 恐 有 誤 ﹐ 故 一 再 麻 煩 你 們 代 轉 問 候 之 情 。 因 悉 他 早 前 中 風 抱 恙 ﹐ 現 在 全 康 復 了 嗎 ﹖ 曾 郵 電 給 他 聯 絡 ﹐ 都 沒 回 音 ﹐ 甚 是 掛 念 。 他 現 在 在 臺 ﹐ 還 是 仍 在 美 國 呢 ﹖如 果 可 能 的 話 ﹐ 請 他 給 我 聯 絡 一 下 。 謝 謝 。 也 請 你 郵 電 跟 我 聯 絡 ﹐ 再 謝 。

    1. Paul Chen: 請再留言一次,但記緊附上電郵地址,否則我沒法和你聯繫!你上次留言我已嘗試留言給你,但收不到你的回覆,心知你沒收到我的回信,但沒法和你聯繫,現在懇請你再次留言,及留下電郵。請放心,你的留言,不會公開的。

  2. Hi,






    1. 馮一耕兄弟:

      你有興趣聖召?請用我這個電郵聯繫。 或
      你在魁北克唸書?Vous parlez francais bien?!
      我也在加拿大唸書,沒學好法文,不過很愛魁北克,je me souviens.

  3. Dear Superior,

    My name is Irene Wang. I came from Taiwan and graduated from Peking University(World's Top 30). Before 2 years I volunteered in Beijing catholic church. And then ten months ago I learned a liturgy in Catholic sister community of Philippine and participated a meditation in Catholic sister community of Auckland, NZ. Please refer to my picture which is attached in this email. I completed latin rosary scripture. Shall I go to your congregation/monastery/convent/abbey/nunnery to learn the postulancy order and become a catholic sister?
    Vocation is a unique call of God to each person. Vocation is never only about “me” and my personal fulfillment. Living out one’s vocation is always about loving relationship with others, in the service of the Gospel, Church and world.

    As a call from God, vocation is a lively movement of call and response. It begins in the realization of God’s great love for all of creation and within that reality, God’s personal and unconditional love for each one of us. As Scripture tells us, “We love because God first loved us.” (1 John 4: 19)

    Vocation then is always a call to love in truth. It is about “falling in love with God” and trying to live my life most fully in doing God’s will for me in the world. The way we love as humans teaches us much about this dynamic. When I hear the words, “I love you” from another person I am faced with a choice. I can either “run in the other direction” so as not to become more deeply involved or I can respond with an “I love you too”! When I respond in love to the other person it immediately involves greater commitment in my relationship with that person. It means being for that person, listening to him or her, caring and loving unselfishly. It is a joyful commitment. It is fulfilling but it will involve a “cost” of loving.

    So it is when I hear the Word of God telling me in the depths of my being that I am loved by God. I have a choice to respond freely. When I respond in love to God I am called into a deeper commitment, to a more attentive “listening” to God in prayer. I am called to seek truth in my life guided by Scripture, the realities of the world and my own person and teachings of the Church. I’m called to live each moment of my life in all its realities for God, to care and love unselfishly in God’s world. There are various and equally important ways of living out this vocation to be loved and to love in return. Traditionally, in the Church women and men have lived out their vocation to love in marriage, in the single life, in priesthood or in religious life (being a vowed member of a religious order). At the root of all these forms of vocation, however, is the ultimate call from God to be loved and to love.
    Spiritual leaders prove that I am a good religious girl.
    1. Singaporean Priest Anthony Lim Pheck Leng who works for Taiwanese Catholic Church.
    +886 926 235591
    2. Seminary dean of Beijing
    Priest Simon
    +86 18301691918
    3. Auckland spiritual leader, NZ

    Best Regards,

    1. IRENE,不好意思,因為網站問題,今天才看到你的留言。請聯絡貧道:伍修士

  4. 想諮詢一下:

  5. 請聯絡貧道:伍修士

